Ban and timeout
The CLEARCHAT Twitch command contains information about users being banned or given a timeout.
Messages with fewer than 2 parameters are a real CLEARCHAT
event where the chatroom was emptied. Messages with 3 parameters and a banDuration
are only a temporary ban, and otherwise a permanent one.'CLEARCHAT', function (msg) {
let command;
if (msg.params.length < 2) {
command = 'clear';
} else if (msg.tags.banDuration === null) {
command = 'ban';
} else {
command = 'timeout';
return { command };
});'clear', function (msg, channel) {
console.log(`Chat in ${channel} has been cleared by a moderator!`);
});'ban', function (msg, channel, user) {
const { banReason } = msg.tags;
console.log(`${user} has been banned from ${channel}.`);
console.log(`Reason: "${banReason}" permanently.`);
});'timeout', function (msg, channel, user) {
const { banReason, banDuration } = msg.tags;
console.log(`${user} has been given a timeout from ${channel}.`);
console.log(`Reason: "${banReason}" for ${banDuration} seconds.`);